martes, 26 de junio de 2012

The Memory (Summary)

We as humans have the memory. This is an ability which we posses to comprehend our reality through our experiences. We can recognize our thoughts, consciousness and language due to this ability. Also we can classify memories. There are two types of memories. These are the short-term and the long-term ones. We understand the memories that occurred in the present or the past thanks to the transient memories. These are the essential memoirs that we carry out by some processes that allow us to comprehend the meaning of our experiences.

Likewise, there is a kind of transient memory called the working memory. This is known as the memory that takes place in the present. Its information capacity is very low but it has an important role as well. It permits us to comprehend spoken and written language. The researches have stated that more or less significant memories depend on the reactions. They could be physical or mental reactions that happen within the brain.

On the other hand, our experiences don’t have to be considered relevant to be long-term remembered. There is a phenomenon known as the flash bulb memory, which is not an important lived memory but it is still kept within the long-term memory. Also, in normal circumstances, these memories are not quickly forgotten.

In addition, the brain is altered. We have been talking about the short-term and long-term memories. Thanks to this we can say that there are different mechanisms for their information. Within the brain, the synapses in the neural circuits are altered to conform the formation of the memory. The long-term memory requires dialogue between neurons and genes for its functional work. But the short-term memory does not require any of those factors.

Our brain has a lot of knowledge inside it. One of the most particular characteristics in that the brain is able to “classify” information, so we can know exactly for example, which is capital of a country, how to give address and even the name of our friends. We possess all kind of simple and complex skills at the same time. Our brain’s memory banks, it means that when we learn something we acquire it even if we don´t practice often we never forgot it, like for example riding a bicycle or knitting, it means that those things stays in our memory store. The parts that involved our complex motor skills in the brain are located in the basal ganglia and the cerebellum. Motor skills are an essential part of our memory store, we have also an “episodic” memory to remember things that happened in the past, which is not easily to verified and that can be recalled. Some sort of studies made it by scientific aware that memory has recollected details of past events, it means that not only specific memory has a physical basis but that each also has a particular physical location in the brain.

The "where" of memory.

Different kinds of memory have different positions in our brain. The explicit working memory is associated with the pre-frontal cortex. The hippocampus is where the long-term explicit memory is. The hippocampus is related with the navigation too because this part of our brains help us to create detailed maps. With more information the hippocampus becomes larger. Learning complex motor tasks engages the motor and sensory cortex.

The how of memory.

There are many experiments in animals about that because we use the same genetic code as worms’ flies and other animals or insects. In the 60's Eric Kandel doesn't knew which this method will work in sophisticated kinds of memory like in the human. He won the prize on 2000 about memory research.

Sensation is another type of learning seen in humans and the sea slug.

It occurs when we are exposed to an unexpected or strongly unpleasant stimulus.

After that our attention is sensitized as an innocuous stimulus.

Generally the sensitizing effect last perhaps for just a few minutes. But if the alarm stimulus is repeated a number of times our senses maybe heightened for days and now sensitization is a form of long-term memory.

Kandel has studied the two most basic types of memory, short-term and long-term using the paradigm of habituation and sensitization. He could observe what was going on in individual neurons and at individual synapses while the memory was being form. Kandel showed that the gill withdrawal reflex of Aplysia can be sensitized by a single strong electric shock to the tail. Thus a single shock gives rise to a memory in the form of sensitize responsiveness, lasting just a few minutes.

Next Kandel repeated it five times in spaced trials and converted the short-term memory into a long-term memory that last days. These experiments demonstrated that Aplysia displays form of learning leading to short- and long- term memory similar to humans. What was required now was evidence that there was indeed a true conservation of the physical or molecular mechanism of memory formation between Aplysia and mammals.

The neuronal network controlling the gill reflex is very simple. The sensitizing stimulus to the tail excites these neurons and when they are inhibited the sensitizing effects of stimulating the tail are blocked. The activation of these neurons is necessary for the creation of memory. These key cells are named “modulatory neurons”. With these cells inactivated the sea slug is capable to perform the gill withdrawal, but the strength of touching the siphon is not capable in short- long- term by shocks to the tail.

The roles of the modulatory neurons are crucial to explain how the strength of the gill reflex was modified by experience.

Kendel’s experiments showed that the activation of the modulatory neuron strengthened the pre-existing synapses between the sensory neurons and the motor neurons.

They showed that when a puff of serotonin is directed to the sensory motor of the synapse, it was strengthened for a few minutes just like the tail.

The serotonin can substitute the tail shock and produce short- long- term memory.

So now the question is how serotonin, a neurotransmitter, found in all animals, strengthens a synaptic connection in short-long- term.

Kandel showed that the common denominator in Aplysia is the ubiquitous second messenger called cyclic-AMP, whose synthesis is triggered by serotonin released by the modulatory neurons.

When cyclic AMP is injected into the sensory neurosis mimics the effects of serotonin.

Now we must ask how cyclic-AMP operates. It activates a very important enzyme called Kinaze. The target of this enzyme is the potassium channel.

Thus the sensory neurons synapsis with the gill motor neuron is strengthened.

Finally we have arrived to the strengthened synapse modifying the animal behavior in short-term. This is only in short-term memory because the special enzyme removes phosphates from proteins and return to their original state restoring the synaptic strength. There is requirement of new proteins to be synthetized and the blocking of this prevents long-term memory formation and this is true in Aplysys as it is true in us.

The synapse must involve the cell body and its nucleus. The relation between synapse and nucleus cause the stimulation of the necessary genetic information that is needed for the synthesis of the new protein required to the strength of the long term memory. The beginning process is the same as short-term memory, it´s different only because of the time that serotonin is delivered. When is delivered several times, its long- term memory formation.

When the cell body is activated it modifies proteins, those ones interact with the DNA and determinate the manifestation of particular genes. In Aplysia the converting process of short-term into long term memory, requires the strengthening of short term changes in synaptic strength and thee development of new synapses. Those processes need the synthesis of new proteins

Memory mechanisms are universal.

From all the experiments, we get two conclusions. First, the synapse is crucial for adaptive change in the brain, learning and memory. Chemical synapse´s function is to modify the strength of that process. Also involves the ability of communication with the cell´s genome which has the purpose of making and finishing possible changes. Summing up, synapse makes evolution and adaptation possible. Behavior is determinate by the last experiences in our environment.

Secondly, it´s always told that upbringing influence our mental skills, but the ability to learn from nurture is determinate by how our genes are intended to answer to experience.

Different species and human beings can have similar and even the same mechanisms of memory formation. Also, between a hippocampus and a snail they both have the same mechanism of synaptic strengthening.

The advanced knowledge of the components of memory allows the development of advanced drugs, which can help us to improve our learning ability and the efficiency of our neurotransmitters. On the other hand, we have to be careful with those drugs, because in a future they might help on the memory loss. That’s why we need to be aware of our mechanisms of memory formation.

Brain is a flexible machine and very responsive, so if we are looking for a better memory we only need to keep learning. This machine will develop a new storage if we give it new information. As we grow older neurons die and we cannot replace them, so, we lose brain ability. Nevertheless, mental exercise can reduce this dramatic time effect.

Daniel Andrades

Alan Becar

Francisca Arellano

Sebastian Aravena

Camila Contreras

jueves, 21 de junio de 2012


Hi Pablo. How are you? How is everything there?

I’m writing this letter because I need to tell you something. Is a very important memory for me
When I was seven years old me and my family went to the beach. In that period we didn’t have much money so we went to a small house. We didn’t have water in the house. The bathroom was disgusting and we had to walk much for arrive to the beach. The situation was hard but we as a family had a very nice time.

I think that is not important where you are. If you are with your loved ones you will have a very nice and important moment.

Well Pablo maybe you can share some memory with me someday.

See you soon.


martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Shopping for one

The story “Shopping for One” is a very good story because you know through the main character how the things that you buy or the situations in a place where the only thing that you are going to do is buy can make you feel bad or make you remember many thing I think that when she was in the queue, She needed go outside fast because there she will start to remember many things and because she is buying of one. I think that everyone can go to any place for buy their things but we go so often to a supermarkets or a mall that after all the only place that everyone remember when need is in big companies and big places and that is because the advertising is too effective in us.
You give them characteristics to the products in the same way that you do the same with the people. And after that you remember something and want to escape from a disgusting place but unconsciously you will return to the same place because "you need something"

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

The Capitalist System

For me Capitalism is a social and economical system where the private property and the competition have the most important part. In this kind of system the government doesn’t put control on the private activities because the system has an invisible hand that controls the fluctuations on price and demand.  The capitalism has two other characteristics that are the profit and the debt that are the motor of the system because they make the cash flow and make the system walk. And in these two characteristics the capitalism has his ugliest face because the system put price for everything because everyone needs profit and for that you need indebted people.

When the system has crises (who happens in regular times) the government (in the case of U.S.A. and Chile) injects money into banks creating a very big problem (in the case of Chile is one of the most important) the gap between rich people and the rest of the population because the people who have more money continue earning more money and the poor and middle-class people are poorer.

I think in the same way that the video. When the crisis comes the governments need to use the money for national programs creating job, trying to save the people’s houses and people´s jobs. With this the gap will be shorter and the money will be efficiently divided.

I think that this system is not good for the people because the only use that everyone have is earn money and earn money for the owner of the company, enterprise etc. and that makes that a few group have a lot of power. And maybe the most important is that the system doesn’t work for the fifty percent of the people it’s mean that the system doesn’t work.

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

My Perspective

We saw a lot of cultures and now i will write about that and what I think of every one of them.

The Indian culture is very interesting because has many religions and many gods too. I think that is very good because you have many points of view about divene things.

The tale that we read call "Ra and his Children" it is very interesting because the Egyptians made her own description about how was made the world. That is a very creative way to express their belifs. I think that the tale shows in a very similar way to the Christians how was made the world how only one entity made all the things.

About the Celts I have to say that the Pre-Romans cultures(that the Romans call "Barbarians") are very interesting for me. The Celts was culture who lived in The British Islands they were a tribe very good fighting. They fought against many other tribes and they survived. That shows that they were a very strong tribe.

I belive that is very interesting to know about how different tribes or civilisations had lived. I love the historical things.

I think as a future teacher that is very important to know differents cultures because I'll have diferents students in the classroom. I need to respect the diferent points of view. The most important, treat them with respect.

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Short Stories

Hills like white Elephants

The story of Hemingway is an amazing and twisted tale. A couple decide to make an abortion. The Girls is relatively nervous. The story is like an a metaphor. The Story told all before the abortion and the girl's doubt

In my opinion it is a very good tale. The use of metaphor makes the story more attractive


Siddhartha is a young man who live in a no-reality. His Father makes a world with no real life. Siddhartha travel to see all the things that he never saw. He discover the suferring the illnes and the death. Siddhartha start to maditate to find the ilumination.

The video is very close to the traditional story of Siddhartha 

Indian Exposition

The exposition about the indian culture had a lot of pictures and sculptures. The exposition show us the differents religions in India. They have many differents gods. They are really awesomes

Is very good to know others cultures. The exhibition was really good.  

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Ernest Hemingway

1- He was born in 1899
2- He was an american author and journalist
3- In 1918 Ernest went to Italy for the world war one
4- On July 8 Hemingway was wounded by mortar fire
5- He received the Italian Silver Medal of Bravery
6- He wrote on his nobel his memories about the war
7- He got married with Hadley
8- He lived in Paris a time because the most interesting people in the world lived there but
it was a expensive city.
9- He covered the Greco-Turkish war
10- He covered the Spanish Civil War
11- He liked the topic about wars and Science-Fiction
12- He got married whit Hadley
13- He was on the D-Day in 1944
14- In august of the seam year he was present at the liberation of Paris
15- In 1947 Hemingway was awarded a bronce star for his bravery during World War II
16- In 1948 (with 49 years old) he fell in love with a girl who had 19 years old, this love inspired the novel Across the River and Intro the Tress
17- He had a serious problem with the alcohol
18- He won The Pulitzer in 1953 and in 1954 he won the nobel prize in literatury
19- He was atheist
20- He kill himself in 1961 with a shotgun