viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

The Capitalist System

For me Capitalism is a social and economical system where the private property and the competition have the most important part. In this kind of system the government doesn’t put control on the private activities because the system has an invisible hand that controls the fluctuations on price and demand.  The capitalism has two other characteristics that are the profit and the debt that are the motor of the system because they make the cash flow and make the system walk. And in these two characteristics the capitalism has his ugliest face because the system put price for everything because everyone needs profit and for that you need indebted people.

When the system has crises (who happens in regular times) the government (in the case of U.S.A. and Chile) injects money into banks creating a very big problem (in the case of Chile is one of the most important) the gap between rich people and the rest of the population because the people who have more money continue earning more money and the poor and middle-class people are poorer.

I think in the same way that the video. When the crisis comes the governments need to use the money for national programs creating job, trying to save the people’s houses and people´s jobs. With this the gap will be shorter and the money will be efficiently divided.

I think that this system is not good for the people because the only use that everyone have is earn money and earn money for the owner of the company, enterprise etc. and that makes that a few group have a lot of power. And maybe the most important is that the system doesn’t work for the fifty percent of the people it’s mean that the system doesn’t work.

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